Sunday, April 19, 2009

The concept of survival:

Look here!:

Friday, April 10, 2009

The emotional tone scale

An excellent tool for understanding the essense of survival:

An excellent tool for understanding what is survival (and it's opposite) is an "emotional tone scale" ( ) View my other blog:

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Life and awareness.

About what are you aware right now? Which things you perceive,right now,through your senses?(The senses of sight,hearing,touch,smell,taste,temperature,internal body sensations,rhythm,space,distance etc.) What about your memories? About which of them are you aware,right now? ...What about your feellings and emotions? Which feelings and emotions are you experiencing right now ? About which of your feelings,emotions that you experienced during all your life,you remember now? ...What about your bodily sensations? Which sensations are you experiencing right now?... What about all the things that you learned through all your life through observation,doing,reading,hearing etc? ...Why do we need all these things:body,senses,mind,feelings?(including stars in the sky,other galaxies,atoms,electrons etc) ...What about physical pains and pleasures?...What about things that give us spiritual pleasure,such as beauty,music,art,learning,reading,communication,creativity;love,spiritual closeness,full use of the mind and our talents;helping others...? ...The common denominator of all of these things is survival! The more healthy we are ,the better we are surviving! The more keener our senses are,the better chances we have to survive! The less keener -the lesser chances we have! ...The same is about our mind and our memory: the better they function-the better we survive!... What about such things as love,truth,true friendship,honesty ,trust,respect, wisdom,high ideals,goals and dreams?...Is survival possible without them?- No ,on the long run! Why?- Becuse all the parts that constitute life,and here i mean the Earth on which we all live,all the people who live on it ,all other life forms,such as plants,animals etc. are interconnected,and the inherent purpose of all of them is survival! ...Take Hitler,for example!: he wanted better survival for the german nation,at the expance of all other nations! This purpose,on the long run,proved itself not only non-survival for others,but for the german nation itself! And i don't need to talk about the concentration camps and many other things connected with world war number 2...Let's make a quick jump to the present! Which things can help our survival ,and which things are against our survival? ...This is all this site about ! Look at it's links! Only by having true knowledge about life and it's true purpose and by applying this knowledge to achieve a better survival for all can we as individuals,families,groups,nations,mankind,all life forms,and Earth itself ,survive and to continue the conquest of our universe! The road toward SURVIVAL is the rationality directed toward the highest survival level of individuals,families,nations,mankind,all the life on Earth and future generations !